GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium
-Shape: almond
-Basic color: nude
-Design style: nature
-Finish: matte
You get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Dark Red (Handmade)/Almond
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: red-Design style: solid-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Tiny Heart
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: nude-Design style: cartoon-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Sparkling Hole
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-Length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: purple-Design style: tarot-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Devour Space
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-Length: medium
-Shape: almond
-Basic color: black
-Design style: nature
-Finish: matte
You get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Good Night/Short Almond
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-Length: short-Shape: almond-Basic color: black-Design style: cartoon-Finish: matteYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Dark Forest (Handmade)
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-Length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: black-Design style: solid-Finish: twinkleYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Spirit Garden
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-Length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: colourful-Design style: nature-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Elegant Lines
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: nude-Design style: line-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Shadow Lightning
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: black-Design style: cartoon-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Summer Flying
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: black-Design style: animal print-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Pink Pumpkin
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: pink-Design style: nature-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Dark Red (Handmade)/Short Almond
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-length: short-Shape: almond-Basic color: red-Design style: solid-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Color Add
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium
-Basic color: green
-Design style: french tip
-Finish: glossy
You get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Black Plants
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium
-Shape: almond
-Basic color: nude
-Design style: nature
-Finish: glossy
You get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Christmas Blue Snowflakes/Almond
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium
-Shape: almond
-Basic color: blue
-Design style: cartoon
-Finish: matte
New exclusive nail designs for holidays and Christmas party.
Good night/Almond
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-Length: medium
-Shape: almond
-Basic color: black | pink
-Design style: nature
-Finish: matte
You get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Shining Day (Handmade)
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-Length: medium
-Shape: almond
-Basic color: nude
-Design style: french tip
-Finish: twinkle
You get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Brown Curve
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: nude-Design style: line-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: nude-Design style: french tip-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Temptation/Almond (Handmade)
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium
-Basic color: pink
-Design style: solid
-Finish: glossy
You get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Retro Rose
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-Length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: green-Design style: nature-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Primitive Totem (Handmade)
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails-Length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: white-Design style: tarot-Finish: glossyYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.
Daisy Garden/Almond
GLAMERMAID-Mani Press On Nails
-length: medium-Shape: almond-Basic color: yellow | white-Design style: nature-Finish: matteYou get an added texture that really makes this manicure stand out from the crowd.