I’m not perfect, but my nails are. 🥰❤️ These nails are fromOOMYNAILS, I cannot wait to put one of these on for a night out!
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They all look amazing! I have tried one of the sets out which are so amazingly stuck when on! But so easy to get off if you don’t want to wear them all the time (especially with a baby)!
Very sturdy!!! Save so much money from going to the salon! It's almost 2 weeks and they are still on!!!!! Great product with nice colors.
I was not expecting to love these nails this much! They are amazinggggg quality and the adhesive stickies are very easy to use and super sturdy.
These nails are super nice and good quality i have already recommended to our friends.
I must say they did not disappoint! So far they don't get stuck anywhere and they're comfortable. Definitely recommend.